
futureproof your 40's and beyond

watch your Free perimenopause masterclass

"How to Navigate Hormones in the 40's"

Hormones changes in the 40s are REAL - it is not "in your head." You may be noticing that...
  • You feel incredibly moody, and have a hard time keeping it under control.  You may be feeling anxious, or find yourself snapping at your kids and partner (then feeling guilty about it after)
  • Your periods are much heavier, or becoming irregular and hard to predict
  • You're gaining weight, even though you haven't changed a single thing in your diet or exercise routine 
  • Suddenly you're struggling to fall asleep, or you keep waking up in the middle of the night
  • You are exhausted... all. the. time.  It feels impossible to show up as the best version of yourself for your work or even your family.
  • You may be noticing some mild hot flashes or night sweats
  • You have NO libido, and you barely have the energy to even care
  • You're wondering...

You're in your 40's and suddenly...

you can't sleep, you're gaining weight, and you're so moody that you barely recognize yourself anymore.

Let me guess...

is this normal??

You CAN navigate your late 30s to 40's (and beyond!) with restful sleeps, great energy, while feeling calm and connected to your family, loved ones and your work.  You can even lose the weight and the belly bloat, feel strong and reclaim your libido. 

As I tell my patients: hormone changes in perimenopause are inevitable, but suffering through it is optional. 

You can make this decade the best one yet!

The truth is:
It IS possible to navigate hormones in your 40s with ease while feeling FANTASTIC.

I created the program RECLAIM YOUR RESILIENCE to teach women like you how to THRIVE in perimenopause  rather than simply endure it. 

You deserve to thrive,
ESPECIALLY in your 40s.


You'll get instant access to the self-paced online program, videos and workbooks to map out your own perimenopause plan to reclaim your resilience, restful sleep, optimal energy and metabolism. 


futureproof your 40's and beyond

Learn about ALL the hormones that impact your period, mood, metabolism and overall perimenopause experience, including how (and when) to get them tested.

  • Perimenopause, defined
  • Stages of perimenopause
  • Female hormone testing
  • Metabolic hormone testing
  • Nutrient status testing
  • Essential tests for women in their 40s


Module One


Your diet, and your ability to digest and absorb your nutrients, forms the foundation of your hormone health.  Learn the critical nutrition, digestion and detox factors that can help or hinder your hormones in perimenopause.

  • Key Nutrients for Hormone Health
  • When Digestion Meets Hormones
  • Hormone Detox
  • Foundation of Perimenopause Nutrition


Module Two


For some women, perimenopause can bring on some particular challenges that impact quality of life. This module will deep dive into some common perimenopause problems and explore the natural treatment options available.  

  • Midlife Mood: navigating depression & anxiety
  • Insomnia & sleep issues
  • Managing Perimenopause Period Problems
  • Freedom from hot flashes & night sweats


Module Three


This module explores exactly what happens to metabolism in midlife and how to test & assess your metabolic hormones.  Learn what you can do to optimize your metabolism now and for decades to come. 

  • Understand your Metabolism
  • Thyroid
  • Blood Sugar Balance
  • Cortisol & Stress Hormones
  • Accelerate your exercise
  • Nutrition for optimal midlife metabolism


Module Four


For many women, perimenopause can impact libido or even bring on pain and discomfort with sex. This module explores what impacts sexual health and libido and how you can reclaim it for yourself. 

  • Libido hormones
  • Your libido, explained
  • Addressing pain & discomfort


Module Five


The risk of certain health conditions increases with age for women, particularly after menopause. This module explains what you can do to protect and optimize your health for decades to come, starting now.  

  • Heart Health
  • Bone health 
  • Breast Health
  • Brain Health 
  • Sexual Health

Module Six


Hormone Detox Plan

Identify the sources of hormone-distrupting environmental factors that disrupt your hormones in this bonus lesson, PLUS:

  • Detox your hormone checklist
  • Healthy Skincare Audit
  • Top 12 cleanest home products, skin care products, makeup brands


42 Curated Hormone Balancing Recipes



Curated breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe inspiration that are easy to batch-prep, delicious and family friendly!



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$697 CAD

$697 CAD

Covering this content in my 1:1 practice with patients typically takes over 8 months and costs over $2600.

Approximate number of visits it would take to cover this content as a patient:


Average cost to a patient in my clinic:

Number of months it would take to deliver this information during visits as a patient:


8+ months


9+ visits

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I know what you’re thinking:

Can't I just speak to my doctor for help?

Can't I just get a test done to know what to do (or take)?

Won't this all just get better once I hit menopause?

Please do!  Hopefully they have additional training in perimenopause, but if they're like the majority of health care professionals, they do not.
I create this program to teach women about ALL the options they have for supporting their health in the 40's and beyond, from nutrition to natural medicine to medical options. Further, it will also empower women in how to advocate for themselves with their doctors and seek the tests and support they need to feel their best.

Hormones are not that simple (although I wish they were, too!) Female hormones are complex and affect every aspect of your health. For this reason, a holistic and comprehensive approach is needed for best results.

Check out my masterclass above for more explanation about this!

Probably not. 
Perimenopause and menopause symptoms can last for years after your last period.  In fact, other health risks increase in menopause due to the loss of hormones (covered in module 6).

Supporting your hormone health now can  benefit you for the rest of your life!

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I hear from patients every day who say when they ask their healthcare professionals about their symptoms, they’re told “you’re too young for perimenopause,” or or “this is just what happens to women at this age.”

There is a massive gap in research on perimenopause, which leads to HUGE lack of training for health care professionals on how to treat and support women at this life stage.

As a result, women are left in the dark about how their hormones, mood, metabolism and sleep can be drastically affected at this important stage of life. Even worse, women are left feeling like "this is just the way it is," as if they have to just suffer through it.

I want you to know this doesn't have to be the case: there are simple, easy and natural ways to optimize your sleep, mood and metabolism throughout your 40s and beyond.  

hormones are confusing. your doctor says "there's nothing wrong" and yet, you don't *feel* like yourself.

Listen, I get it...

You’re ready to RECLAIM your hormone health.

Maybe you're in the midst of perimenopause symptoms right now and want to know how you can tap into the best of natural and modern medicine to help you feel better.

Maybe you've seen your doctor, but you want to know more about how to empower yourself in your 40's (and beyond) through your  nutrition, lifestyle, supplement & natural medicine choices.

Or, maybe you want to be proactive and learn what to expect so you can set yourself up for an easy perimenopause transition

If so, Reclaim Your Resilience is the program for you!

You want to be proactive and know what you can do to navigate your 40s with ease, so that you can feel your best NOW and for decades to come.

You know that it takes more than a handful of supplements to optimize your hormone health: you want to learn about nutrition, exercise and lifestyle hacks that will help you feel your best.

You've been offered medication, but you want to learn how to tap into nutrition and natural medicine to support your health goals.

You watched your mother (or sister, or friends) struggle through perimenopause and you want to know what you can do to help avoid that.

You're concerned about your bone health, metabolism, cognitive health and cardiovascular health and you want to learn how to optimize your health now so you can be healthy and active for many more decades to come.

Is this you?


6 Module Online Program

Immediate lifetime access to the online DIY program modules and workbooks

Step-by-step workbooks and videos to help you understand how your hormones are changing, and how to test them

Get your restful sleep back

Reclaim your vibrant energy

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Learn how you can optimize your metabolism and unlock weight loss

Learn how you can get off the hormonal roller coaster affecting your mood and periods

Calm, even mood and energy, all month long

Future-proof your health 

Feel like yourself again

your program host

Meet Dr. Kathleen Mahannah, ND


I’m Dr. Kathleen Mahannah ND, MSCP, I’m a licensed Naturopathic Physician and Menopause Society Certified Practitioner with a special focus in women’s health and hormones practicing in North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

I grew up in a family of medical professionals, so naturally I gravitated towards the healthcare field. I studied Exercise Science at Capilano College and then Physical Health and Education at the University of Toronto, before going on to study Naturopathic Medicine for 4 years. After completing my diploma of Naturopathic Medicine from the Boucher Institute, I have focussed my practice almost entirely in women’s health and hormones, and more specifically, supporting women through the perimenopause transition and beyond.

I have a passion for working with women and their hormones because I know what it’s like to feel confused, frustrated and at the mercy of your hormones. I spent years as a patient navigating my own hormone health concerns, going from one specialist to the next, trying to find answers to my problems.

Upon starting my practice, I quickly discovered that women navigating through hormone changes in their 40s feel just as bewildered and confused – and understandably so. My patients tell me every day that when they ask their healthcare professionals about their symptoms, they’re told “you’re too young for perimenopause,” or “you’re not menopausal, therefore it’s not a hormone problem” or “this is just what happens to women at this age.”

There is a massive gap in research on perimenopause, which leads to HUGE lack of training about perimenopause for healthcare professionals. As a result, women are left in the dark about how their hormones, mood, metabolism and sleep can be affected at this important stage of life. Critically, women are left feeling like "this is just the way it is," as if they have to just suffer through it.

Not only are these above-mentioned statements incorrect, it is a disservice to women to dismiss their symptoms without offering options for treatment and support.

After treating hundreds of perimenopausal women in my practice, and after extensive continuing education training in perimenopause, menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Bioidentical HRT, I am on a mission to ensure all women know that while perimenopausal hormone changes are normal, suffering through it is not. It absolutely IS possible to feel fantastic in your 40s and beyond!

I made this online educational program because I want all women to feel empowered about what to expect in perimenopause and how to navigate through it with ease. I want women to have trustworthy, evidence-based information about perimenopause and HRT, in addition to understanding what steps they can take in their day-to-day lives to feel their best, every day, no matter what stage of life they are in.  This is what I teach patients every day in my practice; now here it is in this accessible online course format, for you. 

I hope you enjoy this course as much as I did making it!

Yours in hormone health, 

Dr. Kathleen

frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions, I've got answers

No.  This is a self-guided online program built to educate and empower you in your perimenopause transition and into menopause.  It does not include 1:1 visits, direct care or communication with Dr. Kathleen. 

Dr. Kathleen is accepting patients in her 1:1 practice, although she has a 2-3 month waitlist.  She is able to accept patients for in-person and virtual visits if you live within her jurisdiction of BC, Canada.  Due to her professional regulations, she's not able to accept patients outside of BC at this time. 

Do I get access to working with Dr. Kathleen directly?

No, testing is not included, but it will be discussed thoroughly in Module 1. 

After learning about testing options, I recommend you speak to your Health Care Provider and work with them to complete any testing that may be applicable to you and your care.

Does the cost of the program include hormone testing?

No, supplements are not included.  

We will review various supplement options that are used to support hormones and health in the 40s throughout the program.  

Does the cost of the program include supplements?

Absolutely!  This program is designed for women experiencing perimenopause, whether in their 30's, 40's or 50's.  

It is also appropriate for women newly in menopause (within the last 1-2 years).  A unique Menopause Program will be coming at a future date :) 

I'm in my 50's but still in perimenopause, is this program for me?

If you are in your 40's or early 50's but don't know what's happening with your period or if you still have one (due to your contraception), this program is still for you! Hormonal contraception will not "delay" perimenopause or menopause, although it may mask some signs (your period). Contraception will be discussed in module 4.

I'm on hormonal contraception (ex. the pill, IUD) so I don't know if I'm in perimenopause, is this right for me?

Dr. Kathleen will not be able to answer personal medical questions for participants of this program.  Your own local health care team knows your detailed health  history best, therefore they are the most appropriate people to ask your specific questions.
This program will teach and empower you in how to work with your doctor to get the support you need during your perimenopause journey.  Dr. Kathleen will also provide links and resources for perimenopause-trained practitioners around the world so you can connect with someone for 1:1 care if needed.

Can I ask Dr. Kathleen questions about my health during the program?

You deserve to feel your BEST in your 40's and beyond.  Don't wait any longer to reclaim this for yourself!

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